Friday, October 16, 2020

Is there any easy way to organize all these ideas?


The books I had read last week for my business class assignment  are of incredible information with the potential to cause an extraordinary transformation within if the opportunity to change is taken; the two books read are Mastery by George Leonard and "Launching Leaders" book written by Steven A. Hintz I had made many notes, and highlight many areas in the books that resonate with me.

By going thru the words of these two books I confirm to myself about my calling, my passion in life, and my purpose of my existence on this earth as I had always resonated around animals and art and I have been blessed thru the years to be able to work in both fields for three decades now. However, there are still unending goals of service and give back that I feel are not yet accomplish due to lack of preparation, dedication, or focus;  I can merge those three concepts will be my ultimate goal. Not having any ideas or having too many ideas I guess can be either way can be catalepsy for stress. Centering oneself, become in unity with our essence can help us to find our center, that balance in our existence that has the divine gift leads us to set our plan strategically.

Faith and courage to find our entrepreneurial calling, perseverance is the secret to our success. No matter life storms, trials, and heartaches we must be committed to continuing our journey to reach our calling.

 Living every moment of our life in a meaningful way after all, the purpose of our goals  is not the final destination but the transformation that goes thru in us in the process. And the same way we found role models in our path we must give back and be a role model to the new generations and so our service here on this beautiful planet has completed its spiritual growth circle 

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