Thursday, October 22, 2020

Reflection on week 6 and my entrepreneurial mind.



My entry this time is based on reflection upon this week and to describe my individual learning experiences.

We view several concepts on entrepreneurship such as preparing ourselves for eternal life, acquiring self-discipline, self-control and mastery, the concept of perception on becoming an entrepreneur, career and family, the importance to remember, and keep our loyalty to God and family, and more. In the middle of that treasure chest full of information gems, there is A great article written by Amar Bhide in “How entrepreneurs craft”. The article resonates with me as I am more intrepid than my husband when comes to description making; This article points many aspects which I had done in one way or another.

I am quick to evaluate and if something feels good, I will proceed and do it. That has carried me to many unsuccessful ventures, very surprising outcomes, and troubles that could have avoided otherwise. Despite all those many unsuccessful ventures my husband has never stopped me to continue venturing into small business opportunities. I would like to have a budget establish for these ventures which I probably call it “ Play money” A financial savings that do not interfere with our family budget and child responsibilities, as I see business opportunities in every situation perhaps most of them are not fructiferous or the perfect candidates for a long-established venue but I keep these ideas coming in my mind and write them in my journal. Analysis and strategy are a must, the importance to keep ethical and morally high standards at any given moment in our personal life and business ventures.

  • What are you looking forward to learning and experiencing?

I love learning new things, this class has been so much fun for me and the amount of information taken from this curse has forever changed my life. I guess started my life backward but it has been a wonderful life.  This year I will turn 50, half of a century to get to this stage in life. I had decided to pursued college in a long path of many years ahead due to family, work, and everything else in between but I want to take the “gift” Heavenly Father has set in front of me; I want to be awe and surprise by the discovery of new concepts never perceived before and to apply them to improve in my personal life and business aspects.

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