Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Week 7 Moving Forward with a Driving Passion


This week we viewed as part of our lesson Jim Ritchie video clip where he mentions the 7 Habits of Highly effective people written by Stephen R. Covey which are:

1.Be proactive

2.Begin with the end in mind

3.First things First

4.Think “win-win”

5.First seek to understand, then to be understood

6.Create Synergy

7.Sharpen the Saw

Which of the 7 habits has the most meaning for me?

The first habit mentioned “Be proactive” has more significance, personally because I lack this practice as most of my life, I had been reactive, getting easily sidetracked and on many occasions not thinking about the proper answer or action taken because I failed in taking the time to analyze the situation. I will love to work on this aspect of my personal and professional area.

Why will the 7 habits help you fill your life with passion and purpose as I seek to achieve both a private and public victory?

Practicing these 7 habits and incorporating them into my personal life will help me to gain focus, certainly, in my goals and projects I wish to accomplish. To find our passion in this earth is our primordial duty in our life, to accomplish any goal or personal development. If we align our passion with our goal, monetary success will come. Searching within ourselves how can we serve humanity, what can we do to help people based on our talents, skills, and passion and create a business plan based on those findings will be the ultimate goal as business success as personal fulfillment will most likely come hand to hand.

A powerful inspiring talk by our prophet Gordon B Hinckley, reminding us to keep true to ourselves and always remember our divine path and mission as an eternal being, to always remember to walk our moral standards and do good around us, to remember our commitment to heavenly father and to be an example and help others in our path. Being prepared and taking advantage of secular learning as times are already changing, the speech was offered in 2015 and now we are witnessing many things told on that talk coming to pass as people losing their jobs, the need to prepare in other skills and careers, evil openly and unmask for the youth. My favorite remark on this talk was when he mentions “ Forgiveness is a mark of divinity” I may have to create a plaque and hang it in my studio. I hope someday to be able to forgive completely and forgive myself as well in the process.

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